Friday, January 13, 2012


  The Las Manos border was not a problem; I would never at this moment in time ever say it is easy. In principal it is, the task is made difficult buy the lack of signs and the many ways in which you can make a simple task difficult. Every crossing is unique, and you get sent from pillar to post for a stamp or to pay some fee that is most probably a farce, or the favourite a photocopy, when often then is a machine within the room. It would appear to be a tough life stamping documents, the officer handling the stamp often grimaces at the effort required, and looks so relieved when the task is complete. I am always pleased to leave, and once I have local currency in my hand all is good. I stay with the Pan American Highway; the road is good and I make good time to the town of San Isdro.I found this prison cell for the night, the road sign did say Hotel, but it was safe for £5.00 .
 My shed is more attractive !!

The dustbin was full of water, with a bowl to chuck it around.
Close to Managua,the Capitol. The City was destroyed in 1972 by an earth quake.

Just caught my eye. It will be on its way home soon
The coast at Pochomi.
Franks dodgy bar. I stayed the night.
  Frank,an ex pat American on the run from real life, has this bar.I had just recently dodged two back packers from the USA, and had the miss fortune to meet in the bar again.The topic at the time was gun shot wounds, obviously a hazard for an American citizen. Much flesh was revealed, but I failed to see the damage. Apparently the bullet went in here and came out there !!!
The dirt coastal road south from Pochomi
Ox cart laden with sugar cane.
There were several river crossings.

Banana plantation.
The Pacifico at Las Salinas. I had it all to my self.
Just the sound of waves crashing.
Road chef at work,on the pacific Highway
Isla de Omletepe. (Volcanoes in the lake Nicaragua)
I paid the owners of this farm to camp. It was a big decision.
They lived in the wooden shack.
  It was late in the day, the border crossing was upon me sooner than anticipated. There was no place to fly camp safely. I saw this little farm, the gate was open.They thought that I had fallen from the sky, I asked them if I could camp on their land for one night. I offered money, there was a long silence and much looking. A discussion was called for.Much head shaking, so I asked the question again. I promised to leave no rubbish and be gone by 07.00 hours. The penny had dropped, a deal was done. The whole family watched me put up my tent. About seven in total. An alien has landed !!! They did have a generator for electricity that ran for an hour after sunset.At 05.30 the Ox Cart was ready to go and fetch water from a local source. In the second to last photo, the Ox are reversing the cart with the water in to the home. Many family's live this very basic life in Central America.

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